卵殻膜🐣昔は力士が怪我をした際に傷口に卵殻膜を貼り、傷を早く治したそう☺️🥚😇 The eggshell membrane serum ☺️🥚🐣 The eggshell membrane is the thin film inside the egg shell. The main component is protein, which has a two-layered network structure. The outside is rough and the inside is dense. In the olden days, when a sumo wrestler was injured, an eggshell membrane was attached to the wound to heal the wound quickly. ・ ・ #使い始め #肌の奥の奥を整える感じ #導入剤とはまた別の感じ #これからの変化が楽しみ✨ #VITRY #AFC #美にTRY #美容液 #美容液すごい #卵殻膜 #ヒト幹細胞 #話題のコスメ #話題の #国内初 #monipla #afc_fan #更にまるくなりました😂 #連投失礼します #gel #serum #moisture #producttester #producttesterchallenge #tokyojapan2020
riorio 2020-10-14 00:16:21 提供:株式会社エーエフシー
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