English below
I had the chance to try the Ambath “Peeling body soap”in the fragrance Mon cherrie. This is a great product for people like me that want to take on a better body care routine but are a bit lazy with having to do two steps in the shower, so you can get your body scrub and wash in one. This was pretty easy to use, just massage and then with a wet loofah or sponge the bubbles get going if not it just stays creamy. The fragrance was way stronger than I expected a bit similar to artificial cherry blossoms, so it may be too much for some people and situations. It lasted all day and in my case I couldn’t wear perfume when using this. I would love to try it out in a different scent. While it did have dead sea salt, it also contains parabens and sulfates so this is something to look out for. Honestly I would not purchase because the smell was way too strong and artifitial and would like to see if they change the formula, but in itself it did what it said so it was a good product.
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