NicoleCelbest Lipocollage Pure Clay Face Wash & Mask
220g 5,720yen
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Celbest Lipocollage Pure Clay Face Wash & Mask, as the name suggests, is a multi-tasking item that can be used as a cleanser and a face mask🐼💕
The mineral-rich, ultra-fine natural clay has excellent power to eliminate clogged pores and remove dead skin cells. It does not contain surfactants or soap ingredients, so you can simply enjoy the benefits of natural clay👏🏻👏🏻
You can use it to wash your face in the morning, or leave it to your face while you wash your hair in the shower🚿
I often use it in the latter way because it's a little less powerful to use as a cleanser for my liking. It may not be suitable for people who like a squeaky clean feeling after wash, but it definitely leaves your face moisturised💕
I recommend it to anyone who l look for a gentle and natural clay cleanser👍🏻✨
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セルベスト リポコラージュ ピュアクレイ 洗顔&パックは、名前からも分かる通り、洗顔料としても、フェイスマスクとしても使えるマルチタスクアイテム✨
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#セルベスト #ピュアクレイ洗顔パック #お肌のパーソナルトレーニング #ラメラエステ #セルベスト化粧品 #肌結果 #洗顔 #パック #エステをお取り寄せ #おうちエステ #monipla #celbest_fan #gifted #JBeauty #JapaneseSkincare