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English below 無料モニターで頂いた BRISA MARINAのUVクリームです。これはプロアスリート向けの日焼け止めです!海に行く時や外に長い間にわかるとこれが最高だと思います。今まで使った似たものの匂いはすごく濃くて苦手だったし、あと重たすぎて汗もかけるぐらいですがこれは全然問題ないです!香りもないし気持ち!しかも、美容成分たっぷりだった!アロエベラ、ツバキ種子エキスとハトムギ油などで作られている日焼け止め初めて見ました!ゴルデンウィークでほぼほぼ曇ってたんですが強い太陽で散歩に行った時に助かりなした。何回に使って感想は良かった!また夏に海も行きたいからこれは必ず使う予定です!普通の日焼け止めより少し重たいけど違和感ではない、肌を守ってくれると嬉しい! I had the chance to try Brisa Marina’s UV suncreen. This is made for pro-athletes so this is some powerful protection! For beach days or when you know you will be out in the sun this is a great product! The suncreens for outdoor purposes I have used before have had a super strong scent and been really heavy on my skin (like make me sweat level) but with this one I had no problems! On top of that, this was also a first for me to use a sunscreen infused with a ton of skincare ingredients like aloe vera, camelia seed extract and hatomugi! During this one week break it was cloudy almost every day but it did save me during walks while the sun was out. I used it several times during this month and I am very satisfied. I can’t wait to put it to the test during the summer! Oh sunny days... here I go! Of course comparing it to a regular sunscreen it is a bit heavier but just by a bit. Highly recommended! #BRISAMARINA #UVケア #日焼け止め #色つき日焼け止め #日本UVケア普及協会 #monipla #cloisters_fan #sunscreen#forathletes#summervibes#sunprotection#readyforsummer#protectyourskin#sunblock#protectorsolar#veranoaquivoy#verano#proteccionsolar#cuidatupiel#wearsunscreen #夏#夏の準備#アスリート#スポーツ日焼け止め#sports#outdoorcare#sunnydays#producttesting#コスメレポ#コスメ紹介
Marumo 2019-05-05 19:45:45 提供:株式会社クロイスターズ
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