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ずーっと気になっていたコロンバン💕の金のシャチホコのクッキーをお試しさせてもらいました〜✨✨ コロンバンの金しゃちショコラです〜✨✨💕 チョコレートがビターで甘さ控えめ、サクサクしててめちゃくちゃ美味しい〜🤤🤤💕 私の大好きなモンドセレクションの銀賞受賞商品〜💕💕 一個一個個包装されてて、今の時期特にすっごく安心して食べられます‼️💕 このクッキーパッケージのモチーフの金のシャチホコは「金運」、「心願成就」そして「子孫繁栄」にご利益があるそう✨✨ 今いろいろ世の中も不安定な時期、いろいろ私もあるしいろいろな人がいろいろな願いがあると思います。願いを込めながら美味しくいただくクッキー💕 心が疲れがちな今、身体を労ってくれる甘みと願いを込めながらいただく、このteaタイムが私の最近の至福の時間です〜💕💕 最近暑くなってきたので私はこのクッキー冷凍して冷やした紅茶ソーダ(自分で無糖で作ってます〜🤤)といただくと格別に美味しい〜💕💕 This is my favorite cookies called, Golden Shachihoko, invented by Columbin. Columbin is one of the oldest established confectionary company having supplied to the Japanese imperial families since their establishment of 1929 with distinguished history. Located in Harajyuku recently worldwide famous for its “Kawaii” Japanese culture with their signature salon. Sachihoko is a Japanese imaginary creature with tiger head and fish body brought and originated from ancient China. In our contemporary time, you can view “Golden Shachihoko” perched on top of Nagoya castle. It has been said and passed on generations to generations that the creature splashes water when infuriated so it has been worshiped for avoiding fire damage and wishing for good luck. Shogun period Nagoya had prospered for ages with the golden Shachihoko on top of Nagoya castle that it’s been said we can benefit from financial fortune, wishes coming true and symbolizing fertility. The cookies are lightly sweetened with cocoa cream sandwiched by crispy cookies. Available at Nagoya areas. Awarded by Monde collection. #cookies #royalwarrant #sachihoko #wishcometrue #confectionery #royalsweet #cocoacookie #老舗 #老舗の味 #金のシャチホコ #名古屋土産 #モンドセレクション #mondeselection #nagoyacastle #historial #コロンバン #colombin #monipla #colombin_fan
E86ST 2020-06-05 11:50:04 提供:株式会社コロンバン
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