いつも通りの生活(朝5時に起床、朝食の準備、昼食の準備、片付け、2時間掃除機がけ、フローリングをガラスのように磨く、昼食の準備と片づけ、メールチェック、ブログ、体力回復。その後ズンバ、買い物、準備) 夕飯の片づけ)+お客様へのおもてなしですが、一袋飲んでも体型も体重も変わりませんでした😱
This is KUROMARU from Fabius Inc.🏁
It contains black ginger-derived polymethoxyflavone, which promotes fat consumption through energy metabolism in daily life, and is said to be able to burn fat without excessive dietary restrictions or exercise. 🔥
I put my hopes in KUROMARU because I weighed 5 kilos more than I expected at the health checkup the other day.
I lived my life as usual.
(Wake up at 5am, prepare breakfast, make lunch, clean up, spend 2 hours vacuuming, polish the flooring like glass, prepare and clean up lunch, check emails, blog, recover physical strength. Then Zumba,grocery shopping, preparing and cleaning up dinner) + hospitality to customers, but even after drinking one bag, my body shape and weight did not change 😱
But I haven't gained any more weight, so I'm maintaining the status quo.
#クロマル #機能性表示食品 #体脂肪を減らす #ダイエット #fabius #ファビウス #monipla #fabius_fanhttps://monipla.jp/member_log/m-4fd801e755a92/