

8月27日発売《do organic》の姉妹ブランド!【do natural】洗顔料 現品モニター50名様大募集 !

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Why You Should Apply A Night Cream?

Have you ever thought about why you should apply a night pack every night before you go to bed?

Today I am going to tell you exactly what a night pack does to your skin.
Some of us apply makeup during the daytime, some of us just do the skincare and go out, some of us keep touching our face without any reason or maybe due to some reasons. All of these bring dirt to your skin that causes skin problems, for example, acne, pimples, dark spots, and rough skin.
The night is the only time when you leave your skin without any makeup and dirt and let it breathe. This is the time when your skincare also affects your skin properly.
A night pack could be the very last step of your skincare that protects your skin surface while sleeping. It allows your skin to absorb the benefits from all the skincare products that you have used before this.
The night pack creates a thin layer on your skin so the dirt coming from your pillow will never touch your skin, same as this night pack here from Piabelpia does.
Piabelpia night pack is blended with hyaluronic acid and Yuzu fruit extract (lemon extract) with high moisture retention. It says, the more you use it, the more it will lead you to the moisturized skin, so please enjoy the best beauty time with the night pack.

How to use Piabelpia night packTake an appropriate amount  (4-5 pushes) onto your palm.
Use your fingertip to gently extend to the entire face. Spread the remaining pack onto your palm and apply it on your neck. Go to bed and wash your face with the lukewarm water the next morning.
Special Care Advice
1: Instead of using oil-containing products (facial oil, cream, emulsion, etc.) use plenty of lotion and replenish with moisture before using the night pack.
2: If you use beauty essence, please use in the order of lotion= beauty eccense= night pack. Thank You

Pkreation.   2019-11-06 16:50:00 提供:株式会社ちふれ化粧品



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