E86ST私お寿司を食べる時絶対お味噌が欲しくなってしまうタイプで、バターを使ったパン系を食べる時も同じ発酵食品同士だからなのか❓かなりお味噌が欲しくなっちゃうんです😊 これからの季節寒くなってくるとお鍋料理が増えてしまう私なんですが、その調味料でお味噌はエッセンシャル‼️‼️このお味噌めちゃくちゃ海鮮の出汁がきいてて高級レストランやお寿司屋さんのお味噌の味がします‼️‼️ マルサンの「だし香る鮮度みそ PREMIUM あこだし」と「だし香る鮮度みそ PREMIUM 海鮮だし」それぞれ410gです💕💕 このお味噌さすがプレミアム、お味がめちゃくちゃ美味しくってびっくりしたんですが、ボトル式でお味噌をお味噌作る時溶かさなくてよくて勝手に自分で溶けてくれるので使いやすい〜✨✨💕💕 ボトルだからそのままポンっておくだけで良いし、開封後90日間常温保存出来るので冷蔵庫のスペース結構お味噌パックって取ってしまうんですがその手間すらなし‼️✨✨💕💕 これだけランチ食べる場所に常備しておけばお湯さえあればお味噌の具を朝用意してお弁当と持って行ったら美味しいお味噌が速攻で作れます💕🤤💕 忙しい方に最高のお味噌ですね〜すごいお味噌の進化に良い意味でどぎも抜かれました〜💕💕
I love this Miso bottle so much! Normally and in a conventional way, you need to let Miso paste melt when you prepare Miso soup. Lots of process was actually taken. First to prepare ingredients you like, I put on this day Tofu, sea kelp and fried Tofu and scallion in addition to fish based or sea kelp based broth powders. You boil them with water to cook the ingredients and then add miso paste. You need to let it melt using strainer or similar. That process is quite hustle when you are busy especially in the mornings. This miso bottle takes these issues away. It stands on its own and also miso is already ready to melt in a more liquid state and containing broth ingredients like seafood and sea kelp. Normally seafood based broth miso soup is pricier in restaurants in Japan. This bottle is called, “Dashikaoru Sendo Miso Premium” invented by Marusan. This means premium miso liquid with broth based included either seafood like a bouillabaisse or ago fish (flying fish). You normally need to keep miso paste in a fridge making them chilled. But with these miso bottles, you can keep them for 90 days after open at room temperature. It gives very authentic bouillabaisse or flying fish broth flavor and miso soup tastes very extravagant. Great pick for busy people but wants gourmet.
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#homemademeal #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #misosoup #miso #marusan #forbusypeople #antiagingfood #fermented #fermentedfoodshttps://monipla.jp/member_log/m-548cf291b3b28/