Liftarna KD Cleansing
150g 1,100yen
Liftarna is a unique brand that can be found in the variety stores these
days, offering not only skincare products made with diatomite, but also a mask for the scalp💭
KD Cleansing uses diatomite, which is a soil that absorbs water and oil and is recently used for coasters and bath mats, to absorb makeup and dirt that tends to stay in pores
I took these photos thinking it was a facial wash, so I don't have any photos of it removing makeup, but it only does remove light makeup It didn't remove oilbase makeup such as a cream eyeshadow and lip colour😭
The texture is very soft and smooth which is great, but the downside is the smell😫 It's supposed to smell like citrus verbena, but it's so subtle that I can barely detect it, even though I have a very good nose The smell of the clay is so strong that I only can smell the mud🙈
I would recommend it to anyone with dry skin as it leaves your face feeling very moisturised, but not to those who have a sensitive sense of smell
最近バラエティストアでよく見かける リフターナ珪藻土を配合したスキンケアアイテムだけでなく地肌用のパックなんかもある、ユニークなブランド💕
#リフターナ #珪藻土クレイクレンジング #メイク落とし #珪藻土 #monipla #pdc_fan #gifted