Wearing masks has always been the norm in Japan, and it seems like the pandemic has led to the devel
opment of masks that can be worn comfortably for a longer period of time💭
Spun masks are made from spun lace nonwoven fabric which is made without glue It has a texture like cloth and has a soft touch to the skin The masks come in four colours pink, beige, grey and black and are individually wrapped One pack contains 7 masks, which is a good value💕
The mask has a unique texture, like fabric and paper combined together, and is soft and very light to the touch White on the inside and coloured on the outside, it has a 3layer construction that blocks 99% of virus particles, yellow dust, pollen and PM 25 The band is made of flat elastic, so it doesn't hurt at all
The only downside is that they don't come in different sizes It's only available in a 165cm width, but I usually use a 145cm, which makes me feel a bit anxious because it's a bit loose I will definitely buy the small size if launched🙏🏻✨
本当に布みたいな、紙みたいな、不思議な質感のマスクで、ふにゃっと柔らかいから、肌触りも良くてすごく付け心地が軽やか🍃内側は白で、表側にだけ着色されているタイプ3層構造で、ウイルス飛沫、黄砂、花粉、PM 25などを99%カットゴムも平ゴムなので、長時間付けていてもびっくりするほど痛くならないよ😳最近大学病院に通っていて、検査や診察で5〜6時間マスクつけっぱなしのこともあるんだけど、さすがに普通のゴムだと耳が痛くなってきて、それが頭痛につながったりもしていたんだけど、この平ゴムは本当に痛くなりづらい👌🏻
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