

Beau Tea Time –



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[2020-02-01 02:07:24]

G9 Milk Bubble Essence Pack / Strawberry  50g 1,650yen ✄   I really respect Korean brands for bringing out some 続きを見る

[2020-01-29 20:49:05]

AWAOFFTON Carbonated Cleanser 120g 980yen ✄   How cute is this cleanser❓AWAOFFTON (AWA = foam / Ofton = bedding 続きを見る

[2020-01-26 17:26:02]

SECRETMUSE Rich Cream 50g 3,200yen ✄   I posted my review on Light Cream from SECRETMUSE about 2 weeks ago and m 続きを見る

[2020-01-18 21:44:47]

YUZE Matcha Face Wash 130g ✄   It has been a while since I used a foaming cleanser🚿This Matcha Face Wash, which w 続きを見る

[2020-01-15 15:46:36]

SECRETMUSE Light Cream 50ml 3,080yen ✄   This is my 3rd product from SECRETMUSE to review it could be the only 続きを見る