This is Natures for Organic Moist Lotion from Neo Natural Co, Ltd ✨
Japanese people tend to have a thin stratum corneum and a thick sebaceous layer
, so we use a rich blend of natural ingredients (loofa water, aloe, white ear fungus) that provide and retain moisture🌈
It seems that just smelling the scent has the effect of regulating female hormones 💚
It has a thick texture that instantly soaks into the skin 😍
株式会社ネオナチュラルのNatures forオーガニックモイストローションです✨
#pr #ネオナチュラル #neonatural #naturesfor #ネイチャーズフォー #オーガニックモイストローション #化粧水 #ナチュラルコスメ #オーガニックコスメ #monipla #neonatural_fan