リニューアル発売された、株式会社シーヴァのレディブラン 薬用美白シミキールパックVCです🔱
気になる シミ や 黒ずみ に塗って10〜20分待ち、乾いたらはがすだけで、シミを含んだメラニン角質をAHAフルーツ酸ではがれやすい状態にし
This is the renewed Lady Bran Medicinal Whitening Stain Kill Pack VC by Sheeva Co, Ltd🔱
In just 10 minutes, you can intensively whiten your skin while absorbing melanin🌙
Simply apply it to the stain or blackhead you are concerned about, wait 10 to 20 minutes, and then peel it off once it driesAHA fruit acid will make the melanin keratin that contains the stain easy to peel off, and the fine particle clay will absorb it and remove it🎉
At the same time, by replenishing the skin with active whitening ingredients that suppress melanin production, removing stains, and preventing new stains from forming, the cycle is repeated, resulting in bright, eventoned skin✨
It's also effective against rough skin and redness😁
When I put a point on my freckles and wait 10 minutes to remove it, it hurts because it's dry 😵💫
I felt like I was going to get a stain because it was irritating😱
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