went to Hacienda, music festival in Oiso long Beach!!!! that was so amazing sunshineand nice music by the beach, the best of all with my girls we did same makeup like face painting that was soo cute!when AfroJack showed up at the end of this show, all the people were screaming and jumping, pushing each other, I was like "stop it!! don't push me!!" it was so scaredafter that i went home cos I couldn't stand itnow I'm home tho, take picture of this makeup, cos I like it!【世界800万枚突破】リニューアルしたマリンハイドロゲル マスクを100名様にiPhoneからの投稿 続きを見る
went to Hacienda, music festival in Oiso long Beach!!!! that was so amazing sunshine andnice music by the beach, the best of all with my girls we did same makeup like face painting that was soo cute!when AfroJack showed up at the end of this show, all the people were screaming and jumping, pushing each other, I was like "stop it!! don't push me!!" it was so scaredafter that i went home cos I couldn't stand itnow I'm home tho, take picture of this makeup, cos I like it!簡単便利なポンポンタイプの日やけどめ!「UVLAB」を200名様にプレゼントiPhoneからの投稿 続きを見る
Try on other colored contact lenses again On my previous blog, I wrote my new contacts for 1 month but these one are for one dayまたしても新しいカラコンにこの前書いたやつは一ヶ月用だったから今度はワンデータイプエルコンワンデーポップ(L-CON 1DAY POP)ってやつthese are colored so clearly and more brown than other lenses 茶色の発色がいい感じでも縁なしで自然だから好きlook, I didn't edit this pic tho,my eye looks brown(^^) I like it!!一ヶ月用のも付けごこち良かったけど、やっぱりワンデーには勝てないな!特にこれは快適みんコンファンサイト参加中Sent from my iPhone 続きを見る['close']
the subject just says what i really wanna say!!i mean, cant wait for the weekend to surf!!besides have another plan on Sunday,the festival of music on thebeach, Hacienda!!Afrojack would rock me!!could be the best weekend of this year;p簡単便利なポンポンタイプの日やけどめ!「UVLAB」を200名様にプレゼント 続きを見る
which is better for me? powder foundation or liquid foundation? think of that problem all the timeパウダーとリキッド結局どっちのファンデーションがいいのかずっと悩み続けてますi use powder foundation usually but tried the BB cream結局いつもパウダー派だけどBBクリームならいいかも試してみたら couldn't stand it being without powder foundation, put on it over the BB cream then looked so thick and unnatural.it was like too muchでも我慢できずパウダーファンデを上から塗ってしまったのです結果、厚塗り感満載になったtried again, just put only BBcream on my skin BBクリームのみで再チャレンジnot badlittle bit whiter than the color of my skin though, more natural than usual, I like it and it didnt felt me oily it was like moist but looks my skin smooth私の肌より少し白いけど、ナチュラルでいい感じ(^^)ベタベタ感はゼロで肌を綺麗に見せてくれる感じ!if you can't satisfied with your foundation, check it out!いいお肌jpファンサイト参加中iPhoneからの投稿 続きを見る['close']