シンガーソングライター『世手子』です。 歌手、タレント、モデル、似顔絵など、都内のライブハウスで主に活動しているアーティストです。 不思議な空間と新感覚の世界へと包み込みます。 壮大なイメージの楽曲と、繊細かつ力強い歌唱力が魅力。
世手子オフィシャルブログ「彩色鍵美~To be beautiful and accomplished~」Powered by Ameba
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[2020-05-14 23:56:56]
#PR Online training eliminated postpartum worries⭐️ I'm glad I could adjust my pelvis at home(☻☻) I am warm with ginger vinegar after training(〃ω〃) …続きを見る
[2020-04-24 23:53:31]
I ate lamb for the first time with my son🐏 The times will go onlineΣ(゚д゚lll) Have a nice weekend, everyone(⁰▿⁰) https//kinnomecom @ginzakinnom …続きを見る
[2020-05-10 23:12:43]
#PR HAPPY Mothers day celebration٩(๑′∀ ‵๑)۶•¨•¸¸♪ Folic acid makes us mother(´▽`)ノノ My son's future may be a sushi chef(≧艸≦) Have a nice Mother' …続きを見る
[2020-04-27 18:17:17]
Roses in the garden were in full bloom🌹✨ I looked at the rose with my son。・゚。+゚。゚・(゚∀)´∀)`∀)。・゚。+゚。゚・ With freshly washed hair川^0^川 Have a nic …続きを見る
[2020-04-24 00:00:06]
#PR First experience with my son and slow juicer(゚▽゚)ノ I made fresh fruit juice🍉͟͟͞͞ =🍍͟͟͞͞ =( '' 🍎 ) I added bananas, apples, oranges and komatsun …続きを見る