シンガーソングライター『世手子』です。 歌手、タレント、モデル、似顔絵など、都内のライブハウスで主に活動しているアーティストです。 不思議な空間と新感覚の世界へと包み込みます。 壮大なイメージの楽曲と、繊細かつ力強い歌唱力が魅力。
世手子オフィシャルブログ「彩色鍵美~To be beautiful and accomplished~」Powered by Ameba
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[2020-03-20 16:25:41]
Spring dining table🌸🌸 Nourish and boost your immunity(^_^) Let's thank for being healthy and natural╰(´︶`)╯♡ http//wwwmggncojp/tablecloth/ca …続きを見る
[2020-03-13 22:18:45]
#PR Fashion show at home with my son(≧∀≦) I made ramen in the microwave We are full of anxiety but I want everyone to be energized with fun posts٩( ᐛ …続きを見る
[2020-03-10 04:05:27]
Okuizome is a ceremony held after 100 days after a new baby's birth( ´ ▽ ` ) I hope my son's teeth will grow strong without having to worry about eat …続きを見る
[2020-02-18 00:24:09]
Experience science aqua beauty hair charge premium treatment✂︎(☻☻) After a long absence in the hair salon, hair gloss✨ Please tell us everyone's …続きを見る
[2020-02-14 23:42:05]
Life with baby(^O^) The interior is increasing steadily(⌒▽⌒) Thank you for everyone's cheerful comments today(^^) https//itemwoomyme/c/93787 …続きを見る