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[Concert x Life x Music] Music Bank in Jakarta!

FYI: This is a VERY pic heavy post!If you're not a K-Pop fan, you might want to check out my other posts!I'm not sure if you guys know but...I'm a huge K-Pop fan*crazy fangirl scream*ANDI was lucky enough to go to the...MUSIC BANK concert in Jakarta!!I had a great night and oh my goodness...I hope I get to go to more K-Pop concerts!!(I really wanna go see 2NE1, Girls Generation, Ailee, CNBLUE, 4minute, Lee Hi, Seo In Guk, K.Will, F(X), F.T. ISLAND, T-ARA, DAVICHI, IU, B.A.P, SECRET, G.NA, 2AM, and oh so many more!!!(I think the list goes on and on and on...)My friends were able to get pretty good seats and I wanted to share the pics from the night!!Enjoy!!!!!TEEN TOPSISTAREruINFINITEBEASTSHINEE2PMSUPER JUNIORThe MC & ArtistsThe MCI was super impressed by TEEN TOP's performance!When I saw them perform I could really tell how much effort they're putting into their performance.It must have been hard cuz they were the FIRST to perform but they did an amazing job!!!Sistar... one word.HAWTIf I was a guy... I'd hit on them FO SHO!Also I was screaming like a crazy person(BORA-CHAAAAN BORA-CHAAAAN!!!)when they performed the SISTAR19 song!!!'Gone not around any longer'LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT SONG!!DID YOU SEE THE BACKGROUND FOR ERU'S PERFORMANCE!?!?Sooooo beautiful!!!Gosh he has such an amazing voice and was just staring at him like...O_______Othat I forgot to take more photos...*facepalm**throws fist in the air*WHY DID YOU BLOCK THIS PERFECT SHOT!!!!BUT YAAAAY I LOVE INFINITE!!!Great performance!!Afgan (Afgansyah Reza) is a local Indonesian artist and he performed a few song and I was super impressed at his stage presence and his voice was great!!!  Soyu singing I think I love you!BEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAST!!!!!!OH MY GOSH KIKWAAAAAAAAANG!!!!I was slightly bummed cuz he was mostly closer to the other side of the stage instead of my side(  ._____.);;;BUT EITHER WAYZ GREAT PERFORMANCE!!!The special stage was a collaboration with S4 (an Indonesian Boy Band) with TEEN TOP!S4 released a song called 'She's My Girl' with 4Minute's Hyuna!It was fun cuz S4 sang TEEN TOP's song and TEEN TOP sang S4's song!!SHINEE never fails to impress.Oh my gosh I LOVED their Sherlock performance!!!Awesome dance moves and vocals! I LOVE 2PM!!!They were sooo hot and adorable!!!They were really sweet cuz during their performance they decided to do a photo-shooting/posing sessionas fan service!Sadly I couldn't stay for the Super Junior performance cuz I had to go back home.Oh my gosh I never knew that the Indonesian public was CRAZY about SJ!So my friends and I decided to leave the concert a liiittle bit earlier to avoid the crazy rushthat will follow AFTER the concert.Since I'm still new to Jakarta...I decided safety is always first in any situation.If you guys are interested in the song lists here it is!!Teen Top – Miss RightTeen Top – To YouTeen Top – CrazySISTAR- AloneSISTAR – Loving YouSISTAR19 – Gone Not Around Any LongerEru – Hate YouEru – Black GlassesEru – Insomnia (Korean vers.)Hyorin and Eru – Kemesraan (Indonesian Song)INFINITE – BTDINFINITE – The ChaserINFINITE – Be MineAfgan – Without YouAfgan – Katakan TidakSoyu – I think I love youWoohyun – DreamingSHINee – Stand by MeBEAST – Beautiful NightBEAST – FictionBEAST – ShockS4 (Indonesia Boy band) – No More Perfume on You (Teen Top)Teen Top – She’s My Girl (S4)SHINee – BeautifulSHINee – SherlockSHINee – Dream Girl2PM – Heartbeat2PM – Satu-Satu2PM – Hands Up2PM – 10 out of 10Super Junior – Bonamana rock versionSuper Junior – Oppa OppaSuper Junior – Sexy, Free, and SingleAll Artists – Run to YouHad the best night ever!Slightly bummed that I couldn't watch the Super Junior performance but since I live close by...I was able to listen to it from home. LOL(My dad said he heard the whole concert from the living room LOLOLOLOLOL)A huge thank you to all the performance and the Music Bank people who came all the way to Jakarta and THANK YOU Jakarta for bringing Music Bank to Jakarta!!!(especially when I was around! lol)xoxo,Kiyo

kiy0chan   2013-08-30 23:51:00 提供:株式会社ペスカインターナショナル



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