English below
I had the chance to try Pillbox’s Kaoru “Pure Rose”. I have tried other rose pills before but this one was the most subtle of them so far.
It was easy to drink and the container was highly appretiated as I could just pop it in my bag and not worry about it being bulky or being squished. I honestly can’t say if I did smell of roses or not as one can’t really tell their own smell but I will be repurchasing! This is so cheap! Just 648 yen it’s the most affordable I’ve found! It’s a great price to try out as well.
#kaoru #カオル #フレグランスサプリメント #エチケット #フレグランスサプリ #口臭 #バラ #ダマスクローズ #エチケットサプリ #monipla #pillboxjapan_fan
#いい香り#コスメ好き #コスメ紹介 #持ち運び
#rose #rosepills #rosefragrance #madeinjapan #rosescent #purerose #producttesting #fromtheinsideout #cutepackaging #easytocarry #portable #compact #goodsmell #roses #inmybag