The weather looked so beautiful that day♡
I have been using sheet masks since many years for hydration and glowing skin, but never used it as a makeup base.
REVLON SPECIAL MAKEUP BASE MASK is a makeup base and a complete skincare.
It increases the transparency of your skin and if the transparency is high, the makeup will look good anyway.
You can use it a night before your special day and your make up will stick longer and look prettier the next morning.
#レブロン #REVLON #specialmakeupbasemask #スペシャルメイクアップベースマスク #シートマスク #フェイスマスク #パック #肌キメ #肌荒れ予防 #肌ツヤ #保湿 #スキンケア #美容 #メイク #化粧下地 #monipla #pillboxjapan_fan
#sheetmask #mask #masking