リソウファンページ/リペアローション SOの口コミ(クチコミ)・レビュー(Pkreation.さん)




#fridayfavorites Last week, the weather became extremely dry and my skin rough. Even though I follow my complete skincare routine, the skin appeared dry every morning. I realized that it has to be changed according to the weather, so I started using this moisturizing set of repair lotion and gel by @risou_official This is a beauty product that has been published in a medical journal for the very first time in Japan. Risou lotion has an oil-free formula that is familiar to the skin and enhances the effectiveness of basic cosmetics used thereafter. It is combined with the repaired capsule and rice bran fermented extract that repairs the skin barrier and develops in younger and healthier skin. The lotion prepares the skin to soak up the moisture from the repair gel so it can hydrate my skin deeper. The repair gel has two main ingredients Vitamin-c and Rice bran that repairs your skin surface and keeps it looking younger than the actual age. Rice bran and Vitamin-C maintains the collagen on your skin surface. It is made with 100% natural ingredients and doesn't contain water. This is a high-end luxury serum that can be used by anyone, even for sensitive skin. Vitamin-C makes my skin feel so good and confident, that is the reason I love this gel very much. . . . . . . . . . . . . . #リペアローションSO #導入ローション #リペアジェル #リソウコーポレーション #ブースター #導入液 #水谷雅子 #monipla #risou_fan #広島 #スキンケア #コスメ好き


投稿日時:2019/11/15 提供:リソウコーポレーション

「リペアローション SO(リソウコーポレーション)」の商品画像

リペアローション SO


その後のスキンケア効果を高める新導入ローション 有用成分を受け入れやすい肌にするために、水の通り道「アクアポリン」に着目。 医療分野で活用されるドラックデリバリーシステム「リポソーム」を応用した「リペアカプセル」と、無農薬栽培米から作り出した美容成分「乳酸菌コメ麹発酵エキス」を配合。 肌に馴染みやすいオイルフリー処方で、その後に使う基礎化粧品の効果を高めます。 140mL(約60日分) 税抜 9,524 円(税込 10,476 円)
