山田養蜂場 公式ファンサイト/マヌカハニー クリームの口コミ(クチコミ)・レビュー(Pkreationさん)



Do you know that honey is a great source of moisturizing, not only for our skin but also for our body, throat, nose, etc. Manuka honey cream has high moisturizing and anti aging properties to recover damaged skin caused by UV rays, air conditioning, and pollution. Infused with raw Manuka honey, also contains Manuka oil and royal jelly. It keeps your skin smooth and healthy while slowly preventing the aging signs. It also has an anti bacterial formula that prevents from acne. Overall, this cream is a great product for preventing acnes, fine lines, dry and damaged skin. #マヌカハニー #山田養蜂場 #保湿クリーム #monipla #yamadabeefarm_fan


投稿日時:2022/01/13 提供:株式会社山田養蜂場

「マヌカハニー クリーム(株式会社山田養蜂場)」の商品画像

マヌカハニー クリーム


うるおいが続くハリ肌へ導く 生マヌカ蜂蜜配合クリーム
