KJ STYLE Bikyaku Gel
200ml 1,200yen
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Are you stressed? Tired? Physically in pain?
Take some time to pamper yourself by giving a leg massage using KJ Biteki Gel🦵🏻✨
This massage gel was developed specifically for moisturising and tightening the legs😙 It comes in a few different types, but my one with green tea scent is absolutely perfect for this time of the year☀️
The gel goes smoothly on the skin, helps my hands slide on the legs whilst giving myself a massage💕 I find it a little uncomfortable putting it on the bottom of my foot because it leaves the skin feel a little bit tacky💦
However, when applied on the other parts of my leg, it feels so smooth and not greasy at all👍🏻
You can learn how to give yourself a leg massage on their website📲
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KJ STYLEのBikyaku Gelは、その名の通り美脚を叶えてくれる脚用マッサージジェル✨🦵🏻✨
本当にずぼらだから、いつもボディクリーム付け忘れちゃうし、マッサージとか絶対に出来ないタイプなんだけど、KJ STYLEのジェルはいくつか香りのバリエーションがあって、ココロのケアもしてくれるタイプなのが👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
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