Chacott Enriching Base 42g 1,600yen ✄ ---------------------------- Chacott is a company that offer ballet and dance related products who have long been familiar to Japanese consumers💕 They are known for their cosmetics that look great under strong lights and are highly resistant to sweat and sebum✨ Today I'm going to introduce a makeup primer called Enriching Base by Chacott🙌🏻 This is a high-definition-friendly makeup primer that provides high coverage to conceal blemishes and pores and prevent makeup fall-off. It also quickly penetrates into the skin to plump and firm it☺️ It contains a powder that blurs the unevenness of the skin to make it look smoother. It also prevents your skin to get shiny throughout the day. With SPF 37/PA+++, it also offers enough UV protection to be used on a daily basis☀️ It’s quite a pigmented makeup primer that made me wonder if it was supposed to be a BB cream for a second when I used it for the first time😂 It certainly helps to even out the pores and discolouration, and I find it good enough to wear on its own along with a bit of concealer💕 Mine is in 812 Natural Beige which is the lighter shade, and it blends perfectly. They also have 813 Beige which is darker than 812👍🏻 ✄ ---------------------------- Chacottは、日本では昔からお馴染みのバレエやダンス用品を扱う会社。強いライトの下でキレイに見え、汗や皮脂にも強い耐久性のあるコスメが評判です💕 今日ご紹介するのは、ChacottのEnriching Baseという下地👍🏻ハイビジョン対応のメイクアップ下地で、高いカバー力でシミや毛穴をカバーし、化粧崩れを防いでくれるそう✨肌の凹凸をふわっとぼかすパウダーを配合しているので、肌表面を滑らかに見せ、さらにテカリを抑える効果も😳 これは一般的に言うBBクリームかな?って思わされるくらい、結構しっかり色がついたメイクアップ下地💕確かに頬の毛穴や色ムラを均してくれるので、休みの日はこれ1個でも十分。最近妙に肌の調子が良いので、これとコンシーラーで仕上げちゃう日もあったりして☀️ わたしがいただいたカラーは812 ナチュラルベージュなんだけど、肌色にもぴったりでした。他にも813 ベージュというカラーもあるよ🙌🏻 ✄ ---------------------------- #チャコットコスメ #キープコスメ #プチプラコスメ #エンリッチングベース #chacottcosmetics #透明肌コスメ #ハイビジョン対応 #映え下地 #monipla #chacottcosmetics_fan #gifted #JBeauty
Nicole 2020-10-13 18:49:57 提供:チャコット株式会社
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