went to Hacienda, music festival in Oiso long Beach!!!! that was so amazing. sunshine and nice music by the beach, the best of all with my girls we did same makeup like face painting. that was soo cute!when AfroJack showed up at the end of this show, all the people were screaming and jumping, pushing each other, I was like "stop it!! don't push me!!" it was so scared...after that i went home cos I couldn't stand it.now I'm home tho, take picture of this makeup, cos I like it!簡単便利なポンポンタイプの日やけどめ!「UVLAB」を200名様にプレゼント☆iPhoneからの投稿
Nana 2013-04-28 22:20:24 提供:株式会社明色化粧品
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