Today I went to short hiking from work. Since it is Autumn, the mountain looked beautiful. The wind was super strong and cold, but it was cheerful. I relished the hiking, came back home and accomplished my household stuff.
After having a super busy day, my skin became really tired and dry. So I finished my day with this super hydrating lineup by Lioverite.
Their balance control series is made with natural moisturizing factors and ingredients like hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid and hyaluronic collagen. The luxurious beauty ingredients spread onto the skin surface and lead to the smooth, pleasant skin.
The fragrance is naturally made by blending plant essentials and aqua-floral tea with the fruity sweetness of magnolia and fresh herbs. The floral aroma changed my tired mood to fresh and relaxed.
After taking this premium skincare, my skin feels very hydrated and healthy, now it's time to go to bed.
Thank You
Pkreation. 2019-11-23 23:02:00 提供:株式会社明色化粧品
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