Shiso & Aloe Soft Skin Cream
190g 1,320yen
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Even if you love your fancy body lotions that smell lovely or have some pretty glitter particles, you need a reliable body lotion that does its job, don’t you❓
Having Shiso (Japanese basil) and Aloe extracts, that are both known for its moisturising effect, this body lotion works brilliantly without making the skin feel tacky✨ It’s truly impressive how the lotion spreads on the skin effortlessly, and moisturises instantly. It makes the skin feel supple without being heavy👏🏻
I also like the fact it’s unscented because not only it does not disturb my fragrance, it makes this lotion universal😊 My mum uses it too, and she is a big fan of it🧡
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紫蘇とアロエ 薬用スキンクリームは、まさに「一家にひとつ」ほしいボディクリーム✨保湿効果に優れているというシソエキスと、抗炎症作用のあるアロエエキスに加えて、カモミールやカレンデュラと言った5種の植物エキスを配合。お肌の炎症を抑える酢酸トコフェロールとグリチルレチン酸ステアリルも配合されているので、乾燥で荒れたお肌にも安心して使えます😊
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#紫蘇とアロエ薬用スキンクリーム #保湿クリーム #保湿 #敏感肌 #ベタつかない #全身ケア #monipla #meishoku_fan