DUO The Repair Shot
30ml 6,912yen
I have been testing out this serum from a Japanese skincare brand DU
O for a few weeks✨
In a nutshell, they describe this product as a problem solver for enlarged pores🍓 They focus on the fact the pore related issues are often caused by some kind of inflammation reactions, which their products claim to suppress🧐
Technical things aside, I like the design and the texture very much💓 It doesn’t feel heavy or greasy at all on the skin, it even feels like water👋🏻
However, I haven’t noticed any difference on my enlarged pores on my cheeks💭 They are definitely not clogged, but they are visible which I always try my best to hide with my foundation😭 I was expecting it to work with time, which is why I’ve waited a few weeks to post this review, but unfortunately I haven’t seen any difference whatsoever💭💦
I will continue using it until its last drop, and let you know if I’ve seen some improvement‼️
ここ数週間使わせていただいている、DUO のザ リペアショット🌟
一言で言うなら「毛穴レス肌に導く美容液」みたいなことなんですが、これがとっても興味深いんですよ💡DUOが着目したのは、開き毛穴、詰まり毛穴、たるみ毛穴 全てに共通しているのが「肌内部で起こっている過剰な炎症反応なのではないか」という点で、それに対して3つのアプローチを取っているんです🤔
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