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[2022-06-30 17:13:22]
Keema curry & naan w/ plum wine sour, June 2022 Rainy season is replaced by a humid& scorching hot summer weather! Curry & alcoholic soda drink are p …続きを見る
[2022-06-25 17:22:10]
What do you think this is? Brown rice! It's in a vacuumsealed cute package, so very compact & perfect for a gift! なんと真空パック入りの丹波篠山コシヒカリの玄米です300グラム入り …続きを見る
[2022-05-29 16:41:11]
Stirfried rice, May 2022 Lunch on the weekend Fried w/ rice oil & seasoned w/ garlicflavored soy sauce A container of this oil is compact, easy …続きを見る