コスメ、雑貨、サプリメント、健康食品の通販モール・セルメディ/リッツ グレイスボディソープ の口コミ(クチコミ)・レビュー(Nicoleさん)



I love body soap. Body soap is such a handy item to transform a boring bath time to a relaxing spa-like time! I normally have a few different kinds of body soap so that I can pick one depending on my mood. This body soap contains the ingredients to moisturize your skin such as olive oil, jojoba oil, shea butter, macadamia oil, hyaluronic acid and ceramide.It foams really well so I only need a tiny bit to wash my whole body. I don't even need one pump, and the bottle is huge so it'll last forever! There are three different scents, one of them is "feminine musk" which is musky floral scent, and the next one is "white bouquet" which has got this herbal floral scent like a bouquet, and my one is called "peony fleur" which is supposed to smell like citrus and flowers.BUT actually it smells of floral celery. I know, it's weird and any kind of body soap shouldn't be smelling like celery. This one does. What an innovation!! I first thought it was just me, and I asked my family members if they agreed with me and they did. They were like "YES! It DOES smell of celery!" so it's not just me then.But the weird part is that I kind of like this smell. It smells completely different from the bottle, but once you start using it it smells of celery, and then after the bath it leaves subtle floral scent on your skin which is pretty nice. And it doesn't dry out my skin much which is an essential thing in winter.What's your favourite body soap?

投稿日時:2012/11/07 : Beau Tea Time – 提供:株式会社ネイチャーラボ

「リッツ グレイスボディソープ (株式会社ネイチャーラボ)」の商品画像

リッツ グレイスボディソープ


スキンケアブランドから生まれた「美容液ボディソープ」 お肌を潤いのヴェールで包み込み、美容オイルがお肌に浸透。しっとりとお肌を洗い上げます。
