Yume Miru Balm Sea Mud Smooth Moisture 90g 1,980yen ✄ ---------------------------- How cute is this packaging? It makes me feel ‘dreamy’ as the name suggests whenever I use it😊💕 Sea Mud Smooth Moisture is a cleansing balm with five functions; it cleanses the pores, moisturise the skin, exfoliating, removes makeup and works as a massage balm✨ It contains three ingredients with different functions; clay, avocado oil and enzymes. The enzymes lift dirt and grime from the skin, while the oils dissolve it and the clay absorbs it, allowing makeup to melt and pores to be cleansed😌 The solid balm melts on the skin, transforming into a smooth texture and removing makeup. The unique
Nicole 2020-08-13 16:55:01 提供:ロゼット株式会社
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日本初のクリーム状洗顔料「レオン洗顔クリーム」の販売を開始したのは1929 年。 “ニキビに悩む女性たちのための洗顔料をつくりたい”という創業者の想いからでした。ロゼットは、これからもお客様に寄り添いながら、 やさしく、あたたかい、つつみこむような美を提供していきます。